In Praise of Teaching

Mr. HollandWe, the Catholic bishops of the United States, wish to offer our deep gratitude to those individuals who staff our Catholic elementary and secondary schools, the dedicated lay and religious administrators and teachers. We applaud their professionalism, personal sacrifices, daily witness to faith, and efforts to integrate learning and faith in the lives of their students in order to “accomplish the very purpose of evangelization: the incarnation of the Christian message in the lives of men and women” (Lay Catholics in Schools: Witnesses to Faith, no. 31). We take this opportunity to encourage all who are devoted to working in Catholic schools to “persevere in their most important mission” (Ecclesia in America, no. 71).Renewing Our Commitment to Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools in the Third Millennium, USCCB

You have been called to teach. This is a vocation, a Christian vocation…There, at your teacher’s chair and desk, God has called you by name to an indispensable service to the truth. — Pope John Paul II, October 4, 2001

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