Grammar Girl Saves the Day

Grammar GirlShe’s not only the Queen of Grammar, but Grammar Girl Mignon Fogarty is now also the Queen of Educational Podcasts. The 2007 Podcast Awards were held in Ontario, California last week and Fogarty’s Grammar Girl: Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing took home the honors for Best Education Podcast.

Grammar Girl is your hero if you want to know things like the difference between less and fewer, unlawful and illegal, or addictive and addicting. In a friendly, clear voice, Fogarty answers common grammar questions and offers sound writing tips.

The podcast can be a useful tool for middle or high school writing teachers. It’s published weekly and runs from 4-7 minutes, so you could play the podcast in your classroom and follow it up with some practice, or you could archive the episodes to use when you cover a particular topic in your curriculum. You could even encourage your students to email Fogarty with their own grammar questions.

The Grammar Girl podcast is also helpful as simply another professional development tool to keep you sharp and current. Check it out today at

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