Digital Whiteboard for Under $60 Using a Wii Remote

Digital whiteboards like the ones made by Smartboard can be very handy in a classroom, but they’re also heavy on the budget, costing well over $2000. If you already have access to an LCD projector, Johnny Chung Lee shows you how to make your own interactive whiteboard for under $60 using a Wii remote and a few inexpensive parts from Radio Shack. Everything you need to know is in this amazing video:

In summary, you’ll need the following materials:

  • A bluetooth enabled computer
  • An LCD projector
  • A Wii remote
  • A homemade LED pen
  • Johnny Chung Lee’s free software available on this page

I haven’t personally tried this yet, since I’m buried deep in converting our entire school from PCs to Macs, but I hope to try it this summer.

Let me know how it works for you.

2 Responses

  1. Dana Huff says:

    That sounds really cool. Will you be posting an update once you try it and let us know how it worked? I tagged you for a meme, if you are interested:

  2. Stephanie F says:

    Hi Dana,

    Thought this might interest you. Smoothboard which is another wiimote whiteboard which is suitable for Windows application. Here’s the link for if you are interested in trying its free trial:

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